Wednesday, March 25, 2009

History Repeating It self.

Have you ever wondered that wow you've been in this situation before? Someone comes into your life and then you loose touch and then after 4 years they pop up again and you feel the same connection you felt long yrs ago? How is that? Is it because you understand each other and that’s why things haven’t changed? It’s strange though...

I believe we meet people in our lives for a reason. May be to help us get through a bad time or may be for us to help them. Like I've said before there is a reason for life and everyone in this world is here for a reason. Never regret anything that made you smile and thank the times you cried cos if you cried its cos it meant something to you and for that you should be thankful. This may not make sense.. It doesn’t make sense to me either.. But these are just my thoughts.....

Be nice to everyone you know. You never know when you will need them or how greater impact you make on their lives.. Have a good day!


  1. nostalgic one aren't you?
    gotta agree with Para one, we've all felt likewise i'm sure...

    bored at work, hope ur Grandma is ok, i should actually be texting this but... hey, i'm typing right now & its too late to change now.. lol take care

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