Wednesday, March 25, 2009

History Repeating It self.

Have you ever wondered that wow you've been in this situation before? Someone comes into your life and then you loose touch and then after 4 years they pop up again and you feel the same connection you felt long yrs ago? How is that? Is it because you understand each other and that’s why things haven’t changed? It’s strange though...

I believe we meet people in our lives for a reason. May be to help us get through a bad time or may be for us to help them. Like I've said before there is a reason for life and everyone in this world is here for a reason. Never regret anything that made you smile and thank the times you cried cos if you cried its cos it meant something to you and for that you should be thankful. This may not make sense.. It doesn’t make sense to me either.. But these are just my thoughts.....

Be nice to everyone you know. You never know when you will need them or how greater impact you make on their lives.. Have a good day!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Right & Wrong

On my way to work today I was just thinking to my self... "May be I should write a book!" Would it be useful? I think it would.. You see most books we read are all made up.. We love to live in a fairy tale land.. People say "It’s not right, do this that way or this way" Who started it? Who has the right to say this is right or this is wrong... Example: One should not live together with their lover until they are married? Some say its against religion.. Some says society will talk... Why should we live our lives for others? Will society help you when your down or will they wait for an opportunity to gossip? I cant say the same about religion though cos yes I do believe in God but God made Man and woman for each other as it says in the bible but it doesn’t say about marriage.

Certain things in the bible are added on as we all know it, this is the work of man who are influenced by wrong doing. Who gets us to do wrong? Some say the dark one, some say the devil etc.. Any religion says to do good. To live with love... don’t hate.. Forgive... but people who talk so much about God and go to church 4 times a week come back home and gossip about this one and the other. Has hatred in their hearts and cant seam to forgive... But they are the very ones who say do this, this way, divorce is against religion... You promised in church etc... Were there Church's those days? Did one have to go to church to make a promise or even pray for that matter? Is God only there in Church?

One would promise to love and be there for each other... But what happens when the love dies? I know you shouldn’t love or give expecting anything in return, but we all love someone or something cos it makes us feel good... so in reality we are getting something in return.

Why do we hear about people divorcing in Sri Lanka so often? Couples who have dated for 7-8 years stay married only for about a year and end up hating each other! Why is that? When you date you always want to be with each other, you don’t really have to worry about bills or responsibility. It’s just a trip... you plan and have fun... Once you get married then you begin to play house and yes the 1st year of marriage will be wonderful. But what happens when reality kicks in and you realize this is going to be your routine for the rest of your life? The romance has died down... What makes you want to stay in that marriage? It’s a lot of understanding combined with real love... Take siblings... you may be tied up in your own work and life that you hardly talk to each other but you know when you have a crisis they are always there for you with no limitations. Married life becomes that.. Even though Romance dies.. Your love and understanding should grow if its real love... if you think you’re in love just because of the romance, then you are in for a bit of a rocky road...

Couples don’t know each other properly until they actually live with each other. How one uses the toilet or little things like closing the toothpaste cap are things you will have to get used to once you start living with a person... and sometimes couples cant handle that. It’s a lot of give and take. Some feel as if it’s a lot of giving than taking and that's when they feel unhappy and irritated and wonder why do I need this? If that’s the thought, you have to work hard at trying to understand why you feel that way and finally you realize that you ended up getting married because someone forced you or you were just so taken up by the whole wedding thing that you forgot why you were getting married... or didn’t know why...

If you live together and know how each other behaves and figure out if it irritates you, you have your answer there.. but if you live together and can overseas ones messiness or extreme neatness and say " oh I love him or her even more for that" or understand and except that of the other person, then I suppose you know if you can live with this person for the rest of your life.
Cos after all the whole song and dance of the wedding is over that’s what it boils down to. Can you see yourself waking up with this person every single day and know that it won’t bug you? If you love someone you would accept them for who they are... Not hope or try to change them. After all you fell in love with them for them not who you’re going to change them into!

So I think people shouldn’t give a damn about what others say or think as long as you are doing the right thing. Love unconditionally, be sincere and except people for who they are... Despise wrong doing... don’t judge people. They know the reason they do things not you or me. Marriage is just a piece of paper.. The commitment you make to one another is what is real!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Reason for Life

Lots of unfortunate things have happened in my life and more than once I have thought to my self "Why me?" We always want things to be smooth and fall into place... Like those fairytales we read when we were young. Unfortunately Life is no fairy tale.

Why are we here? Why were we born to feel pain? Someone close to me always uses this fraise, “Know Life Know Pain. No life No pain" I used to think that individual likes feeling sorry for ones self. But it’s true in away, you have to know life to know pain. Nothing in life is easy but yet why are we given life. We didn’t ask to come into this world! We were sent here for a reason. We are not told that reason. We learn it through life.

Everything won’t be served up to you, because we take everything for granted, everything that comes easy. We will value it if we go through hardships. Unfortunately that’s how it’s been dealt to us as we are weak.

Having an easy life with your loved ones is what we all hope for but then do we value it? We take each other for granted. We hurt each other. That happens how ever much we try not to. We should know the purpose of our life.... Sometimes we've got to live for someone else who needs us more than we need them. Various people will try to come in between and tell you stuff to keep you away. Show you an easy path. Say leave and live a happy life. And when you’re in doubt and wonder is this, the truth? Is this, the correct thing? Always use the key. The key to the truth is when it can not be debated by anyone. The bad can’t stand it and there, you will get your answer.

What is the key? Simple word like "Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you" and if its something bad it will stop. You will see more clearly and know your right path. We are all here for a purpose. Be good to everyone you know. Don’t feel upset if people put you down. There’s someone always watching out for you and that person will never let you down.

Nothing is put in front of you that you can not handle. BE STRONG. Remember when Life gets you down. Pick up and say to your self. This will only make me stronger. I will not fall.

When in doubt, Always use the key......